Since ancient times, jewelry has had not only an aesthetic function but also an intimate, even sacred meaning. The magnificent appearance of jewels appeals to us, yet we appreciate the meaning inherent in the symbol of their form.
Unconsciously we attribute our personal meaning to jewels. Earrings we as a child got from our mother remind us of the beloved person during our whole life. The ring given as a surprise gift on our dating anniversary turns into a true good luck charm.
Since ancient times, jewelry has had not only an aesthetic function but also an intimate, even sacred meaning. The magnificent appearance of jewels appeals to us, yet we appreciate the meaning inherent in the symbol of their form.
Jewelry in the form of an infinity sign, a figure eight on its side, is a very popular model among customers. The strong sex chooses such items as a gift for their beloved to show their boundless love.
Infinity is eternal. Infinity cannot be measured. It’s mysterious and magnetic. The symbol of infinity has a sacred meaning and contains special mysticism from the depths of the past. Who does not dream of eternal life? Who doesn’t want to look beyond space and time and feel all the greatness of the endless universe?
For some, the sign of infinity symbolizes eternal love, while for others, it means true perfection, duality, and limitless possibilities.
The tree of life is, perhaps, the most family talisman passed down from generation to generation. It represents the unity of the earthly and heavenly worlds which the Slavs called Prav and Yav. This amazing symbol will definitely become your favorite jewelry and bring good luck and prosperity.
The presence of the talisman in many faiths proves its universality. You can freely combine it with other averters and amulets. Wearing jewelry made in the form of such a tree is recommended for pregnant women to protect the child.
The bright and warm Sun brings life and symbolizes knowledge and reason. In most cultures, it embodies creative energy, while most religions and beliefs perceive the Sun as the supreme deity or as the incarnation of their omnipresent power and majesty.
A sun-shaped talisman is a powerful amulet that existed in the cultures of many peoples. Legends say such jewelry protects from ailments, evil spirits, and the evil eye, as well as promotes spiritual development and prosperity.
So close and so distant Moon represents abundance, cyclical renewal, regeneration, immortality, changeability, intuition, and emotions.
The crescent moon is a truly feminine symbol closely associated with the mystery of birth, fertility, and wisdom.
When you travel or want to bring positive energy into your life, a crescent-shaped pendant is your best choice. It is believed that jewelry in the form of the Moon or crescent moon makes a person closer to nature and all four elements.
Quite obviously, heart-shaped jewelry embodies true love. It represents genuine loyalty, devotion, sincere tenderness, empathy for each other’s interests and needs. There’s no better way to show your feelings to your other half than giving such a priceless surprise.
The Hand of Fatima (also known as hamsa or the Hand of Miriam) is a talisman used all over the world against jinx and the evil eye as well as for attracting good fortune. This popular amulet has many valuable effects. It helps to establish contact with people, attracts positive energy, and fills with inner strength.
The Hand of Miriam is a particularly important symbol for girls and women. Such talisman jewelry helps to maintain well-being and a warm atmosphere in the family, protects peace and love, and brings harmony. The amulet is believed to have a positive influence on pregnancy, facilitates childbirth and lactation.
The Nazar Boncuk (also known as Fatima’s Eye) protects against the evil eye and negative energy, too. The talisman is popular among both believers and atheists.
It consists of a deep blue circle with a white circle of smaller diameter inside. The white one includes a blue circle (iris), and the latter contains a tiny black circle that looks like a pupil. Thus, externally nazar resembles a human eye.
Nazar and hamsa are the strongest amulets, which have their roots in antiquity and are valued in many cultures.
The cosmos has always allured humankind with its myriads of intricate constellations twinkling mysteriously in the night.
Most ancient cultures deified the stars and endowed them with the best symbolic meanings. The geometrical figure of the star is a sign of divine idea and will that created our world and made it rotate in space.
The well-known five-pointed star is closely related to mysticism and many religions. It protects people from evil forces and spirits, because originally in the period of early Christianity the inverted pentagram was a sign of Jesus Christ.
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