Yellow stones: the secret of appeal


Even at the dawn of civilization, in ancient Egypt, Greece and the Roman Empire, yellow gems were associated with life-giving powers. From a psychological point of view, yellow is considered to be a symbol of optimism and vigor, associated with the energy of the sun and youth, as well as a sense of confidence and well-being.



Golden topaz, tourmaline, sultanite, lemon amber, fire opal, citrine… Yellow gemstones are truly breathtaking. Stones of yellow-golden shades seem to transport us into the world of color, light, brilliance, conquer with their iridescences, and invariably cheer us up.

Not so long ago, yellow diamonds became very popular — the most affordable of colored diamonds. Possession of these stones has instantly become a sign of exquisite taste and status of their owner. Then the rest of the gems of all shades of yellow came into fashion and remain in trend today.

Even at the dawn of civilization, in ancient Egypt, Greece and the Roman Empire, yellow gems were associated with life-giving powers. From a psychological point of view, yellow is considered to be a symbol of optimism and vigor, associated with the energy of the sun and youth, as well as a sense of confidence and well-being.

In ancient China, yellow represented the Earth, and only the emperor and members of the ruling dynasty had the right to wear it. In Turkish folk tales, yellow stones were endowed with the magical ability to absorb human sorrow and, filled with it, crack.


The list of yellow minerals is impressive, but special attention should be paid to citrine, which received its name due to its lemon-yellow color (from the Latin citrus — "lemon").

It can rightfully be called a stone of the powerful, because since ancient times yellow citrines have decorated the attributes of nobles — crowns, tiaras, necklaces, rings, and much more. Despite its popularity in privileged circles, only a few knew the true name of the mineral, and most confused it with topaz.

The characteristics of the stone show that, in essence, citrine is an ordinary quartz and a cousin of amethyst. The distinctive yellow color of its mineral is thanks to a small concentration of iron, lithium and aluminum.

Esotericists consider citrine to be a universal mineral. It feels like the magic of this stone is capable of anything. And this is not so far from the truth: citrine cures diseases, improves immunity, makes a person confident and more sociable, brings good luck and inspiration.

Which Zodiac signs can benefit from yellow stones?

What to wear with?

With clothes in cream and beige

To create a gentle romantic look. Assemble a monochrome outfit in a calm color scheme and add a drop of glitter to it — bright earrings, a ring, or a pendant with a yellow stone.

With things of similar colors

Orange, red and even bright pink for juicy summer outfits. This is a more unconventional combination that is ideal for bold women who are not afraid to stand out from the crowd.

With blue and light blue

This combination has already become a classic.
Yellow stones will stand out perfectly in contrast to denim looks.

Pay special attention to the stones of unusual cut (not round): baguette, pear, heart, marquise. It is these cut that are trending today: