Amber is fossilized tree resin that was first discovered in Neolithic times. Naturally sticky, tacky and runny, the uncultivated resin was a primitive trap for insects like flies, mosquitoes, midges, dragonflies and ants, arachnids and other small organisms. However, it wasn’t only fauna that became trapped in the resin.
Beautiful radiant and glossy amber is a popular natural gem for creating elegant, chic and fashionable jewelry. Each individual piece is unique in color, shape and definition. An amber gemstone that includes organic inclusions is even more special, because it is a capsule of time that is long forgotten.
Amber is fossilized tree resin that was first discovered in Neolithic times. Naturally sticky, tacky and runny, the uncultivated resin was a primitive trap for insects like flies, mosquitoes, midges, dragonflies and ants, arachnids and other small organisms. However, it wasn’t only fauna that became trapped in the resin. Flora was also enveloped and captured by the sticky mass. As the resin slowly hardened, through a natural polymerization of the original organic compounds, any trapped flora or fauna was forever frozen in time, and preserved as an inclusion.
Amber inclusions are like wonderful snapshots captured millions of years ago. By studying a piece of amber, that contains beautifully preserved nature inside, it’s possible to imagine how the insect found its way into the resin, and to also trace the evolution of living organisms. Most inclusions in amber are just a few millimeters in size, with a maximum fixed length of 4 cm. Just imagine: a microscopic organic inclusion, that is only visible under a powerful magnifying glass, can carry a thousand year old history inside.
Around 3,500 fauna fossils have been found in amber. Around 10-15% of which are existing species of forest-living insects that have barely evolved through centuries. Bigger insects, and insects living by water, rarely got ensnared in the resin traps that were dotted all over the evergreen forests. Around 90% of all inclusions in natural Baltic amber, are insects. Flies and mosquitoes make up 45% of the inclusions found in amber. These consist of 74 families with 800 species. Natural Baltic amber also exclusively preserves arthropods – insects and arachnids being the most common. Inclusions of other life forms, like scorpions, worms, molluscs and vertebrates are extremely rare. There is however, an exhibit of a rare snail shell inclusion on display at the Amber Museum-Gallery in Vilnius, Lithuania.
It’s estimated that over 100 species of ticks and 580 species of spiders have been found in Baltic amber and Copal (Columbian amber). Tropical and subtropical varieties of forest-living spiders are the most common arachnid amber resin prisoners. There are even samples of amber that have preserved the intricate details of gossamer-fine spider webs. Often in amber, it is only possible to detect the remains of limbs, wings or other body parts, which confirms that the insect made a determined attempt at escaping the enveloping resin. Their desperate struggle, and the desire to free themselves from the sticky substance, can be carefully studied the under a microscope. In the field of research on organic inclusions, one of the most exciting discoveries of the 1980s was the mummified remnants of soft tissues of fossilized flies, found in amber from the Baltic. This discovery was estimated as being approximately 40 million years old.
In scientific trials, attempts have been made to remove the preserved inclusion in pieces of amber. The trials failed, and the inclusions were destroyed in the process. It was discovered that the surface structures of the insects survived to the smallest details, but the internal organs of trapped organisms were completely decomposed. After more than a century of studying biological inclusions of Baltic amber, scientists have discovered 4 types of fauna, including 11 classes, 40 orders and 324 families, uniting several thousand species. Amongst the flora found in amber are tiny fragments of small leaves, needles, twigs, fruits, and flowers and their parts. Plant inclusions are very rare in Baltic amber – only one in 1,000 amber inclusions is of botanical origin. Of the flora in biological inclusions in Baltic amber, representatives of 42 families are known. Among them are oak, maple, birch, as well as other plants.
The viscous resin of ancient conifers has undergone many external environmental influences through the ages, and as a result, amber is a precious stone that is highly appreciated for its lustrous glow and inviting spiritual energy. Amber is a potent natural healing stone that has the power to cleanse the body, mind and spirit, as well as the environment. Glorious amber inclusions are a valuable phenomenon. Each piece is unique and precious. Many branches of science, history, biochemistry, paleontology and physics have studied miniscule inclusions on a large scale. Inclusions can be of different sizes, and sometimes there are also natural holes that completely repeat the shape of plants or insects engulfed in the resin. It’s assumed that these were formed as a result of the gradual decay of small inclusions that fell into the ancient resin.
If you are someone who admires the beauty of nature, natural Baltic amber is the gemstone that deserves your appreciation. Gloriously glossy amber is the perfect gemstone to showcase in fabulous jewelry. Inclusions in natural Baltic amber are the star attraction in elegant rings, pendants, beaded necklaces, bracelets and earrings. Each stunning jewelry piece is a one-of-a-kind creation. When you wear amber inclusion jewelry you will benefit from the healing powers of the beautiful natural gemstone. When worn against the skin, alluring, warm to the touch Baltic amber releases its healing element, succinite, and helps to clear the mind, stress and negative energy, and to balance the emotions.
Alternatively, you can carry an amber inclusion charm or lucky talisman in your pocket or bag, to benefit from the stone’s powerful properties that are linked to the organism that is entombed inside the lustrous resin. For your reference:
SPIDERS – are associated with patience, growth and power;
ANTS – represent discipline, community and self-sacrifice;
Hourglass – If you have an ultra feminine hourglass shape, draw attention away from your curves with a shorter beaded necklace that rests on your décolletage.
MOSQUITOES – signify new and surprising discoveries. There is no doubt that stunning amber inclusion jewelry can make you feel connected to your spiritual core, and the Universe. If the gemstone has a living organism trapped inside, you will also deeply interconnected to nature through all of time.
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