According to ancient tradition, Lunar New Year is celebrated in China. As this festival is based on the phases of the moon cycle, the date is different every time — in 2021, for example, the festival will be held in February, 12, and will last 15 days.
Accordinag to ancient tradition, Lunar New Year is celebrated in China. As this festival is based on the phases of the moon cycle, the date is different every time — in 2021, for example, the festival will be held in February, 12, and will last 15 days. This year is manifested as the year of Ox. The festival marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring, hence meaning the start of a new year with fresh hopes and aspirations.
Red is the most important symbol of the lunar New Year: symbolising life and juy, red color can scare away demons and bring good luck. There are several traditional types of presents.
The most common New Year gift in China, candies are traditionally packaged in red paper or a metal round box. Another appropriate food presents are fruits (typically oranges, but never trade pears), cakes, biscuits, and chocolates.
In China, amber has had a particular cultural significance for centuries, and it is still believed to bring good fortune and healing powers, and help to clarify the mind. Amber is one of what are called the “sacred stones” in Chinese Buddhism, and is used for prayer beads. Whatever the religion you belong to, amber is a good gift to anyone because of its healing properties and exceptional characteristics. Warm to touch and incredibly light, this sun-kissed gemstone is perfect for every outfit you may choose.
The tradition says that Lunar New Year should be celebrated in new clothes, preferably red. Surprise your loved one with a fancy red leather handbag or an exquisite tie — as red is believed to draw good fortune, it would be quite useful to wear something of this vibrant color.
If buying new clothes is too expensive or seems inappropriate for a person you intend to give a present to, you can do with an unusual talisman, a red thread bracelet that is believed to bring good luck.
Gold symbolizes wealth and riches in Chinese culture, which is the same in Western culture. In fact, no matter where you are in the world, gold represents wealth. Having a golden or a gold-plated jewelry with garnet, ruby, or even red enamel, may bring prosperity to the person you are preparing a gift for.
Red envelopes are small red and gold packets containing money given to children, family members, friends and employees as a symbol of good luck. In Chinese culture, the color red is associated with energy, happiness and good luck. The red envelope itself is considered lucky, not necessarily the money inside
Money is a good present to whomever whether it is your colleague, relative or a friend. As an alternative, you can give a gift certificate or a voucher. Remember that money bills as well as any cards must be brand new, without any creases.
Giving presents on the Chinese New Year is quite tricky because there are a lot of hidden taboos that a person born outside China may not know of. Thus, it is forbidden to give mirrors because it is believed that evil spirits may come through it. It is kind of obvious that any sharp objects like knives or scissors are not welcomed because they may symbolise cutting the ties between people. Surprisingly, giving shoes and sandals is a no-no, too, because they may become a metaphor of willing to “walk away” from a relationship.
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