Modern femininity is no longer about tenderness, softness and submission. Today, girls and women openly express their desires, work and achieve their goals: for them, it can not even be imagined that things could be otherwise. Don't be afraid to be bright, create a little more extravagant images, experiment with style, combining stilettos with voluminous jeans, thin silk with rough leather, or spikes with lace.
For several seasons in a row, we have been seeing neutral images with a beige-gray color combination literally everywhere, and the public has become sick and tired of them. It seems that everyone these days is dressed in some sort of a stylish uniform: every second girl is wearing sneakers and a tracksuit. Instead of choosing a boring basic outfit like everyone else is doing, raise your style to a new level and add bright accents to the autumn-winter wardrobe.
It is believed that each color has its own energy and is endowed with a special meaning:
Red — gives the body vitality and energy.
Stones — agate, ruby, and cherry amber.
Blue — symbolizes the sky and eternity, calms and clarifies the mind.
Stones — topaz, aquamarine, blue agate.
Green— symbolizes growth, development and harmony.
Stones — emerald, green amber, agate, seraphinite, unakite, chrysolite.
Yellow— is associated with the sun and warmth; it helps to think positively.
Stones — citrine, lemon and honey amber.
Purple— is the color of everything unknown and unearthly. It helps to find inner harmony.
Stones — amethyst, charoite.
Brown— represents wisdom and stability and helps to increase well-being.
Stones — cognac amber, smoky quartz, zultanite.
Modern femininity is no longer about tenderness, softness and submission. Today, girls and women openly express their desires, work and achieve their goals: for them, it can not even be imagined that things could be otherwise. Don't be afraid to be bright, create a little more extravagant images, experiment with style, combining stilettos with voluminous jeans, thin silk with rough leather, or spikes with lace.
Not everyone has the courage to put on colorful multi-colored clothes, but everyone can still put bright accents in their outfit. Belts, shoes, bags and scarves of all shades will come to the rescue. The colors of the accessories do not necessarily have to match: a blue bag goes perfectly with an orange scarf.
The easiest way to add bright colors to the image is to complement it with spectacular jewelry with colored stones.
Make your stylish cocktail of rings and mix shades like an artist: lemon yellow, watermelon, sky blue, cotton candy and mountain lavender. Choose one massive ring or several smaller rings. You can play with colors and volumes, pick stones of the same shape, but different in color — or wear rings similar in design. This combination looks incredibly relevant today. Create a contrasting composition on your hand: multi-colored crystals will play in the sun rays and instantly lift your mood.
Even if the image is monotonous, this jewelry mix will make it something extraordinary. Even if the image is monotonous, this jewelry mix will make it something extraordinary. They will help you radically transform the whole outfit! From casual daywear to evening outfits, from classic suits to more provocative, not to mention the fact that even the simplest outfit will play with them in a new way. Don't be afraid to experiment with your style: enjoy the fascinating shades of precious stones such as piercing blue, marshmallow pink, herbaceous green, sunny yellow or chocolate brown.
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